Thursday, March 19, 2015

Birthday Presence

The Gift of Birthday Cupcakes 2015 YUM!
Have you ever had an unexpected gift?  Maybe it was disguised in a strange shape- or maybe your first instinct was to return to sender. But then time reveals the true gift.  This is my “birthday week” so I thought I’d unwrap a few with you.

I am grateful for:  


This is where most of the other gifts have originated. In the process of blogging I have cultivated an interest in mindfulness. Taking time to set an intention for the week for you has given more clarity to me.  The mindset of being present to this moment has great implications. Look for more mindfulness on the blog as I begin more formal mindfulness education on April 10th at a seminar in OKC. I am happy to share my “present of presence” with others.

“The Hangries

Sweetness asked me to discuss my "hangries" at my annual physical.  He noticed that a late night, or delayed travel that changed meal times did not bring out the best in me (to say the least).  I became snappy, irritable, and RAVENOUS. Turns out that what I thought was a temporary problem to endure (menopause) was a treatable problem- hypoglycemia. A nutritionist confirmed the diagnosis and helped me develop an eating plan of smaller, more frequent meals.  I celebrate Nutrition Awareness month with dramatically improved energy and healthy weight loss! 


I have been in the company of a wonderful group of writers for over 10 years.  Several of our members have published traditional books and are actively writing.  I went into this adventure with the expectation that I would be more “successful” at writing. Blogging was an unexpected plot twist. I am undergoing a massive paradigm shift in defining writing success. Renewed creativity is a gift.


A client and Amazon recommended a book to me that made a strong promise and hit a definite chord.  The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo ….  My aha moment: I have a problem of abundance  Despite the habit of regular donations of used clothing and household items, there is never enough storage. Too much stuff is too much stuff no matter how cleverly you organize it! I have begun my quest to reduce my home base to the zen like simplicity of my lake trailer. Simplicity is a gift.

This post is an attempt to be generous with my gifts in the hope that they will create a framework of unexpected gifts in your life. 

I am grateful always for your readership and shares.