Thank you
- For choosing the first day of Spring as my birthday.
- For my parents, who have always believed in me.
- For my brother Chris, who stretches and teaches me still.
- For so many years with my Grammie.
- For the triumphs and failures of growing up.
- For guiding me to Church.
- For the lousy boyfriends I dated before "the one."
- For finding "the one" for me, when I didn't know what I was looking for.
- For the responsibility of raising two wonderful people.
- For comforting me in the loss of a child.
- For directing me to Oklahoma.
- For friends I have made and kept, and those that were time limited.
- For talents that shape me.
- For weaknesses that humble me.
- For love and a context for hate in the world.
- For the past 50 years.
- For today.