Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spiffy the wonder bug

Want to know what gets me walking these days?  What can make me run around my driveway at 9:00 at nightto increase my "steps?" Go up and down the one stair in my house for fifteen minutes?  Motivate me to walk home from a dinner out instead of riding in Sweetness's new truck?

Meet Spiffy.  It is actually called Striiv, but I named mine otherwise.  It tracks my movement, miles, stairs climbed, calories burned, and how much activity time I put in a day.  Spiffy also lets me know if I am ahead or behind my "average" or if I have reached a personal best!

Spiffy was a "nifty fifty" gift from Sweetness.  Maybe other women would be questioning "what is this gift really saying- do you think I'm fat?!" Not me.  I know I'm lucky to have a husband who  knows how I tick (and he loves me in spite or because of it). 

But wait, there's more!  Spiffy helps me donate to charity by matching my movement with money pledged by global giving.  So far I have donated 14 days of clean water to a child in Bolivia.  On Earth day I am going to switch over to helping preserve the rainforest.  I could also do at home activism to  save up for a vaccine to fight Polio in India.  These are my three choices of donations, all good.

I Forgot to mention that my walking builds energy and energy can be converted into game points.  Yes, there is a game on Spiffy and  I am hooked.  After a long day of work/family life I keep walking until I rack up 10K steps and then I settle down to beautify "myland." This little island was barren and smogfilled until I helped purify the air with unusual plantings.  The weeds in my home garden are taking over this spring, but "myland" is lush with creative landscaping.

If only I could figure out a way to walk my way to a stocked fridge, clean house, and completed yardwork. 

And world peace.  I think I will set the Striiv people to work on that. 

What gets you walking?


  1. Please PLEASE have "Sweetness" video you performing some of these exercise antics and post on your blog,;)
